Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I wish I had done this a year ago

So I started a diet almost a year ago and really wish I had started blogging about it then. I have now lost over 70 pounds and have nothing to look back on except some big girl pictures, which I dont like to look at. So now is a new time in my life and I want to have a trail of my new journey. So here goes my first blog.

I am 31 (yikes). I have 2 wonderful beautiful children and a nice spouse. I have a good job and am pretty content with life. I am no longer the "Fat Mom" with cute kids. I would like to lose another 15 pounds and see where I am at after that. I have been blessed/cursed with huge boobs and they haven't gotten much smaller even after all the weight loss. So I asked my doctor last week about a breast reduction. She put in a referral for a plastic surgeon. Really? That easy?? Okay now I am going to freak out!! So I leave the office with the number to call, but do I call?? I am sure the hubby wont like this idea, but who lives with the backaches and the huge expensive bras?? Who doesn't like to stand up straight, who has to buy bigger tops to fit the girls?? Its me, and this time I need to do something for me!! Of course I wont go to small, but how nice would it be to be perky.

So I make the call to the plastic surgeon department, and they tell me I need to take a class. Okay great, when is the next class I ask. This Wednesday?? (tomorrow) um okay sign me up. Okay alittle freak out happens, but I need to do this. I need to check things out, I want to check things out. Do I?? Of course I do, I need to do this for myself!!

So my class is tomorrow morning, I am excited to hear all about it.